Hopworks IPX Single Hop – Mt. Hood
From Hopworks Urban Brewery – The beer is the latest in the single hop series, which has continued to be an educational celebration of hops for more than two years. It is available on tap and in 22oz bottles throughout the Pacific Northwest. The Mt. Hood beer contains Salmon Safe Certified Mt. Hood hops from Crosby Farms in Woodburn, Oregon. Mt. Hood hops are known for clean bittering and mild aromas and flavors. The hop was released in 1989 by a breeding program in Oregon and is the descendant of the German Hallertauer, Mittelfrüh and Liberty hop varieties. The single hop ale series highlights signature aromas and flavors of specific hop varieties that are further multiplied through our unique dry hop process. Each beer in the series has the same base recipe with the same finishing hop schedule, 60 IBUs and 6% ABV.
Hopworks Urban Brewery – Hopworks IPX Single Hop – Mt. Hood – 22 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 6% abv.
Appearance: Pours a hazy amber gold with a thin white film for head.
Aroma: Lemon zest, ripe melon,fresh herbs, sweet bready malt.
Taste: A zap to the middle of the tongue of bitterness, dry bready malt, herbal bitter finish.
Mouthfeel: Full bodied, average carbonation.
Overall: A very clean, hoppy and drinkable beer with some unique character.