Full Sail Session Fest
From Full Sail Brewing – When we decided to brew a special Session for the holidays, we knew right away what color it had to be: Red (and full-bodied). Next, we considered what kind of head it should have. Bright white was the obvious answer. And as for the label? Gotta be green, right? So there you have it. A new Session all decked out for holidays, ready to spread joy and cheer.
Full Sail Brewing – Full Sail Session Fest – 11 oz. stubby poured into a pint glass. 6.2% abv.
Appearance: Pours a clear dark amber wuth a super thin head.
Aroma: Caramel malt sweetness, fresh grassy hops.
Taste: Toasted sweet caramel like malt. Modest hop spicy bitterness. Light bread crust too.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied with prickly bubbles.
Overall: Lighter than Wassail Ale, but a little strong for a “session” beer. Super drinkable. If you are asked to bring a 12 pack to a party, this is a great choice as well. The little bottles are a great conversation ice breaker.