Founders Nemesis 2010
From Founders – The 2010 release of Nemesis is best described by our brewing team as “a dark barley wine that pours black with a subtle mahogany hue. Brewed with 5 malts and no shortage of hops for a pleasantly bitter booming flavor. Roasty and toasty with a multitude of tastes that melts on your tongue”.
Founders Brewing – Founders Nemesis 2010 – 12 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 12% abv. From Jesse Smith in Indiana!
Appearance: Pours black with a creamy, tight tan head that ends up as a film after five minutes. Leaves behind creamy lacing.
Aroma: Herbal hop nose, chocolate and roast with a bit of graham cracker crust as well.
Taste: Bitter hops, roasted malt, char,prunes and other dried dark fruit. The char and roast linger well past the sip. Alcohol is masked fairly well at 12%.
Mouthfeel: A little creamy, with modest carbonation.
Overall: A well done hoppy dark ale.