Firestone Walker Sticky Monkey
Firestone Walker Brewing will be releasing Firestone XV, Deconstructed (Various component beers that make up the beer) at various beer bars to celebrate LA Beer Week for the next week and a half. One of the blended beers that will be in the upcoming Firestone XV is Sticky Monkey, an English barleywine aged in bourbon and brandy barrels. This beer made its debut last year, as it was also featured in last years VIV blend. Cheers!
Firestone Walker – Firestone Walker Sticky Monkey – On tap at San Diego Strong Ale Festival 2010 – 12% abv.
Appearance: Pours an amber brown with a dense creamy 1/8 inch tan head.
Aroma: Dried dark fruit, caramel, bourbon, coconut.
Taste: Bourbon, fig, apple pie, burnt sugar and apricot. Finishes with hoppy bitterness.
Mouthfeel: Full bodied, sticky.
Overall: A really great sipper. Very complex and enjoyable.