Epic Glutenator
From Epic – You won’t find any astringent sorghum in this beer. Instead we use light-bodied millet, brown rice, sweet potatoes and molasses along with plenty of American hops. This beer has a golden color, aromas of hops and sweet potatoes with a sweet grain flavor and a clean, sorghum-free finish.
Epic Brewing – Epic Glutenator – 22 oz. bottle poured into a Belgian tulip glass. 5.3% abv. Reviewed by TFP Alum Mike
Appearance: Pale yellow, clear, head dissipates quickly, sparkling wine like bubble action.
Aroma: Peaches, apricot, bread.
Taste: Bitter, little apricot essence, hoppy, tastes a bit like a Belgian saison, light crispy, one of the best after tastes I’ve experienced. Hard to get passed the big bitterness kick.
Mouthfeel: Fairly light, slightly fizzy, carbonation almost completely diminishes toward the end.
Overall: Once you get over the initial shock of the bitterness, it has quite a few redeeming qualities. Having gluten allergies severely limits ones options, and puts beer almost completely out of reach, luckily, I am not so afflicted. I think it’s great brewers are making beers like this available.