Elevation Oil Man
From Elevation – Much like the “sweet light crude oil” from the eastern plains of Colorado this beer pours a deep black with a tantalizing off-white head. Aromatics of sweet malt and bourbon envelope the nose like the sunset of the eastern plains. The malt profile continues through the palate from beginning to end with subtle hints of chocolate, coffee, and of course bourbon. This is a true beer for the malt and bourbon lovers alike.
Elevation Beer Co. – Elevation Oil Man – 750 ml. bottle poured into a goblet. 11% abv.
Appearance: Pours near black with a tan head that subsides to a ring.
Aroma: Bourbon, wood, roasted coffee.
Taste: Bourbon greatness, smoked roasted malt, light banana esters.
Mouthfeel: Not as thick as you’d think an 11% impy would be. Very rounded and smooth. Modest carbonation.
Overall: Well executed, tasty and ready to drink now. Does not drink like a beer thats nearing Monster Imperial Stout territory.
March 21, 2013 @ 12:09 pm