Deschutes Jubelale – Vintage 2009
From Deschutes – Every year, fall’s crisp, cool air signals the imminent arrival of winter. Thoughts of snow, friends and family, the holidays, and — Jubelale. Brewed with dark crystal malt creating a luscious holiday note with bountiful hops to excite your taste buds— it’s easy to see why Jubelale is the perfect complement to the season.
Deschutes Brewing – Jubelale – Vintage 2009 – 12 oz. bottle poured into a pint glass. 6.7% abv.
Appearance: Pours a dark maroon with a fluffy off-white head.
Aroma: Bready malt, sugar (brown sugar?), plum, chocolate, and earthy hops.
Taste: Chocolate, walnuts, toffee, plum, bready malt,slight amounts of roast.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, fluffy.
Overall: A really great winter warmer. Has many great flavors, great body, and puts me in the mood to drink more of this or some other holiday beers.