Cigar City Warmer Winter Winter Warmer
From Cigar City – We brew this English-style Old Ale with American hop varietals to celebrate the idea of a snowy winter landscape, if not so much the reality of it as we experience it here in Florida. Dark copper to amber in color, it has a complex citrus and caramelized toffee aroma with underlying notes of chocolate. The flavor begins with a dark caramel to medium toffee sweetness balanced by a firm citrus dryness and then moves into a forward malt character with hints of chocolate and rye in the finish and a lingering citrus and pine note. It pairs well with spiced ham and ridiculously warm winters. Enjoy one with the air conditioner turned down low.
Cigar City Brewing – Warmer Winter Winter Warmer – 750 ml bottle poured into a goblet. 10% abv.
Appearance: Pours a dark brown with a large, tan fluffy head.
Aroma: Raisins, dates, sweet booze, fruity yeast, and oatmeal cookie.
Taste: Milk chocolate covered raisins, oatmeal raisin cookie, green vegetal hops and wood.
Mouthfeel: Full bodied and moderately carbonated.
Overall: A fantastic big bold beer, that didn’t remind me of any particular big beer style. I wish I had tried this during the holidays.
March 21, 2010 @ 6:08 pm
makes me want to visit fla..for a beer and a toke….