Captain Lawrence Captains Reserve
From Captain Lawrence – This beer is a salute to the ingenuity and creativity of the American craft brewers. A uniquely American style of beer, the Double or Imperial IPA, has become the calling card of many craft brewers who aren’t afraid to push the limits of what hops can add to a beer. This beer is big and hoppy – not for the faint of heart! Be prepared to experience sensory overload as you savor this Imperial IPA.
Captain Lawrence Brewing – Captain Lawrence Captain’s Reserve – 16 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 8% abv. From online trade.
Appearance: Pours a yellow gold with a nice white ring of foam.
Aroma: Lemony piney goodness.
Taste: Spicy malt, lemon and pine.
Mouthfeel: Astringent, medium bodied.
Overall: Not bad, quite solid. The alcohol is well hidden, which makes for an easy, dangerous double IPA.