Cantillon Iris
From Cantillon – In 1998, the Brussels Museum of the Gueuze celebrated its 20th anniversary. The Cantillon brewery decided to make a new spontaneous fermentation beer for this occasion, named after this symbolic flower. It is a completely original beer which, contrary to the other products of the Brewery, is not brewed with 35% of wheat. The Iris, which is only made with malt of the pale ale type (giving a more amber colour to the beer) conserves the typical flavour of the spontaneous fermentation, the complex aromas and the vinous taste.
Brasserie Cantillon – Cantillon Iris – On tap at Stone Sourfest 2011, poured into a wide mouthed tasting glass – 5% abv.
Appearance: Pours an amber tinted gold with a thin eggshell colored head.
Aroma: Musky funk, slight mildew and sourness.
Taste: Mineral or metallic like bitterness, wood tannin notes, lacto.
Mouthfeel: Full bodied, light fizz.
Overall: A very complex beer, not very sour. There is a lot going on in this beer, but it all falls into place with each sip.
July 31, 2011 @ 1:20 pm
Going to have to try this. We’ll have to see if it’s available in Detroit or Michigan. Great site!
July 30, 2011 @ 12:31 pm
This stuff was really sour when I had it, but it wasn’t as dry as their cuvee.