Brooklyn Summer Ale
From Brooklyn Brewery – Brooklyn Summer Ale is a modern rendition of the “Light Dinner Ales” brewed in England throughout the 1800’s right up until the 1940’s.
Brooklyn Brewery – Brooklyn Summer Ale – 12 oz. bottle poured into a pint glass. 5.0% abv.
Appearance: Pours a clear amber gold with champagne like rising bubbles and a dense creamy white head sitting atop.
Aroma: Slight yet noticeable grain, bready yeast, grassy hops.
Taste: Grassy hops, grainy malt that finishes with a slight sour twang.
Mouthfeel: Creamy, full bodied with above average levels carbonation.
Overall: I enjoy these types of beer on the cold side. The beer is solid, well executed and clean, but didn’t excite me.