Boulevard Single Wide IPA
From Boulevard – The latest addition to the Boulevard family of year-around beers, Single-Wide I.P.A. is our take on a style that originated in 18th century Great Britain. This American version — inspired by our Smokestack Series Double-Wide I.P.A. — boasts a heady combination of six varieties of hops, some of which were employed for dry-hopping.
Boulevard Brewing – Boulevard Single Wide IPA – 12 oz.bottle poured into a pint glass. 4.6% abv. From online trade.
Appearance: Pours a cloudy amber gold with a decent foamy white head.
Aroma: Lemon, soap
Taste: Piney hops, metallic hops,soap, fairly dry malt.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied with medium carbonation.
Overall: This beer did nothing for me but wasn’t offensive and definitely drinkable.
July 25, 2010 @ 2:06 pm
I actually just picked up a 6 pack of this the other day for the first time. Never had it before. Boulevard has some good styles and overall like the brewery. Their IPA though I thought was ok and could use some work. Not bad at all, but nothing that would really stand out as a top winner for me. There would be plenty of other IPA’s I would choose first before I even remembered them.