Bootlegger’s Dr. Tongue
From Bootlegger’s – Can’t get enough of hop bitterness? Dr. Tongue has the right blend of a unique and hoppy American ale for you! Dark roasted malts with notes of toffee and caramel are topped with loads of bittering hops and is sure to nurture any ALE-MENT. Grab a bottle and shock your taste buds. DR. TONGUE IS READY TO SEE YOU!
Bootleggers Brewery – Bootlegger’s Dr. Tongue – 22 oz. bottle poured into a mason jar. 7,7% abv.
Appearance: Pours a dark hazy amber with an active light tan film of suds.
Aroma: A good amount of piny and grapefruit hops, bready and brown sugar malts.
Taste: Big agressive hops. Dry bready malt, grapefruit and piny flavors. Finishes with long bitterness.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, lively carbonation,a little scratchy.
Overall: This beer fits perfectly in the middle of beers like Arrogant Bastard Ale and Ballast Point Tongue Buckler. Another fine offering in Bootlegger’s fresh hoppy lineup, and probably the most bitter of the bunch.