Baird/ Ishii/ Stone Japanese Green Tea IPA
A wonderful spirit of camaraderie, cooperation and mutual support exists in the world of craft brewing. We have harnessed this spirit fully in the crafting of this special collaborative brew dedicated to the resilient people of Japan who are bravely endeavoring to overcome the tragedy of the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami. We tip our brewing hats to the quiet elegance and humble sophistication of Japanese culture through the judicious addition of Japanese whole leaf green tea to this big, bold, spicy and herbal IPA. Cheers, Japan!
Baird/ Ishii/ Stone Japanese Green Tea IPA – 12 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 9.2% abv.
Appearance: Pours a bright orange tinted gold with a quickly subsided head.
Aroma: Hop essence, green tea and chlorinated pool.
Taste: Bitter hops, tea tannins, fairly dry malt.For me, the hops and tea masked the 9.2% abv. well.
Mouthfeel: Light fizz , astringent. Full bodied.
Overall: Points awarded for being different than any other IPA Stone has made. It’s a thinking man or womans beer. It’s something you sip, and think about. The Green Tea fits in, but it’s still a bit weird. I went back and forth on that notion for the duration of the beer.
September 4, 2011 @ 8:57 am
We reviewed this beer too…right after cherry chocolate stout. This beer was very unique. I enjoy green tea so this was kind of a treat/experiment. IT came across as really earthy IPA. Good review though. Here ours
September 2, 2011 @ 9:03 am
I LOVED this beer.