Avery Hog Heaven
From Avery – This dangerously drinkable garnet beauty is a hop lover’s delight. The intense dry-hop nose and the alcohol content are perfectly balanced for a caramel candy-like malt finish. This is a serious beer for serious beer aficionados and it only gets better with age. Cellarable for 3 years.
Avery Brewing Co. – Avery Hog Heaven – 22 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 9.2% abv. Purchased at Certified Market Monrovia, CA
Appearance: Pours a clear dark amber with a big foamy beige head. The head subsides to a good 1/2 inch of foam, and leaves webby lacing behind.
Aroma: Piney resinous hops, spicy malt and and red berry.
Taste: Alcohol, abrasive piney hops, sticky caramel,dark fruit.
Mouthfeel: On the thin side for barleywine and sticky.
Overall: A really fresh hoppy as hell barleywine. I would compare this to a fresh Bigfoot, although not as much toffee. I would go with the suggestion of letting this age for a year to knock down the hops and warmth, if that’s not your bag .