Preliminary Russian River Pliny The Younger Day 2014 Details
Some preliminary details on Pliny The Younger 2014 Day/Mania straight from Natalie at Russian River. Cheers!
Pliny the Younger’s 10th Annual Return to our pub in Santa Rosa will occur on Friday, February 7th, 2014! It will be available everyday (until we run out each day) for 14 days. Distribution begins the following week for local and no-so-local bar and restaurant accounts. Younger has not even been brewed yet so allocations will not be set until the final yield is determined in LATE JANUARY. If you are planning a trip to Santa Rosa for the release, I will have a Younger page up on the website SOON with more information regarding hotels, what to expect, etc. So far one local hotel has expressed interest in extending a special rate to our Younger fans! Hopefully more will follow their lead. Horizon Airlines flies directly into Santa Rosa from Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, and San Diego if you want to book your air travel now! Stay tuned…
Found from Russian River’s latest blog entry
December 2, 2013 @ 5:56 pm
this should be up there with the other clusterfu … releases like Black Tuesday, Exponential Hoppiness, Dark Lord, etc.
December 2, 2013 @ 12:55 pm