Lost Coast Brewing 2009 Limited Release Specialties
Lost Coast Brewing – Limited Release Specialties for 2009
Chocolate Porter
Available January to February 2009 – Our Chocolate Porter is robust in style, using traditional charcter malts such as European crystal, brown and black malts, fine Kent Goldings hops for balance. Real cocoa beans provide a subtle hint of chocolate accented by kraeuseing. 6.2% abv.
Scotch Ale
Available March to April 2009 – Our Scotch Ale is brewed in the tradition of Scottish strong ales (also known as wee heavies.)
It is a big malty beer with low hop bitterness and very low hop flavor. A very drinkable beer for it’s strength. 8.5% abv.
Imperial Pilsener
Available May to June – Loosely based on the Bohemian Pilsener style, with “Imperial” denoting a more robust beer. Specialty Pilsen, Vienna, and Crystal malts define both color and malt profile. Czech Saaz hops and an extended lagering help to provide a balanced character.
Double Trouble IPA
Available July to August – A double IPA with an ABV of 7.6% and a kick ass amount of hops. Need we say more. If you are looking for trouble… may we suggest: Double Trouble!
Lost Coast Oktoberfest
Available September to October – Brewed according to the traditional Munich Oktoberfest style, this lager has a dark golden to amber hue with a Munich malt and Continental hop character. Cold-lagered for a clean, malt-balanced experience. 7.0% ABV.
Available November to December – Winterbraun is a rich and robust seasonal brown ale created from roasted chocolate and caramel malts. Hopped with Czech Saaz hops to give it a spicy flavor and aroma. 6.5% ABV.
January 7, 2009 @ 4:34 pm
Mmm. This is exciting. I’ve seen Winterbraun in the stores but are these other going to distributed or only available in Eureka?