Flying Dog Wins Best East Coast Craft Brewery Honors
In an amazing turn of events, the brewery that resided in Denver, CO over a year ago, has gained quite the following now, in Fredrick, MD. Here is a link to their press release announcing this migration to the east.
The poll featured a who’s who of high profile craft breweries such as Dog Fish Head, Brooklyn Brewing, SmuttyNose, Victory Brewing, Clipper City, and Erie Brewing. With in the first 12 hours of the poll, messages from our comment feature, our Facebook, and our Twitter blasted us with request to add other craft breweries that had a special place in these avid East Coast beer drinker’s hearts.
The poll began with a large lead for Dog Fish Head. Dog Fish Head was the first famous East Coast Craft Brewery to get national recognition after Samuel Adams began contract brewing their beer nation wide. Known for their extreme brews, they take beer drinkers on a wild ride of big flavors and high alcohol content, something that Joe or Jane six pack may not be used to.
Then, through the power of Twitter, a social network service that I can describe to you as a micro blog/global chat room, started to shape what would be the outcome of this poll. Through guerrilla marketing, Dog Fish Head and Flying Dog sent many of their loyal drinkers to to cast their vote. SmuttyNose and Erie also used the power of their Internet fan base to have votes casted on their behalf.
This poll got so big, that Beer Advocate got wind of this poll. The uber super beer snob aficionado expert guru’s of their board were perplexed with how the results were shaping up. They wondered, how the heck could breweries with higher BA rankings possibly get out ranked by the final four of this poll. The answer is simple, loyalty, and the power of guerrilla marketing via social network sites.
So we know who got the most votes in this poll, but do you know who the real winner is? The one your mouth and taste buds pick. Here at, we encourage you to seek out all of the East Coast Craft Breweries mentioned in this poll.
Stay tuned for the Best Down South Craft Brewery Poll! Click here to read all the comments posted in the Best East Coast Craft Brewery Poll!
March 3, 2009 @ 8:07 am
Yikes. Luckily, most of us know the true best-of-the-best out of this bunch.
February 28, 2009 @ 6:39 am
This story is fascinating for so many reasons. Congratulations to Flying Dog! I see they are well represented in the beer bars and beer stores in NY.