Cigar City Brewing Promotes Beers Served on Nitro
Cigar City Brewing of Tampa, Florida has just passed out a memo, indicating that they are beginning a dedicated series of nitro conditioned beers for consumption in their tap room as well as their local draft markets. For those not familiar with beer on nitro, it changes the texture of the beer in a way that makes it creamy with less abrasive carbonation. In many ways, serving beer on nitro enhances the beer drinking for certain styles of beer. Here’s the memo. Cheers!
We here at CCB have decided to place a focus on our draft nitro beers. We think the nitro adds a unique aspect to many brands. Our tasting room has two nitro taps and we want to get more nitro beers out into the market. We’ve been fairly lax in a lot of ways with how we’ve released the beers, so we have decided to form a schedule for the remainder of 2013 and all of 2014 for our nitro beers.
They will be brewed in sizable batches to be distributed throughout the state. Here’s the schedule:
September: Minaret ESB
October: Hornswoggled Red Ale
November: Puppy’s Breath Robust Porter
December: Minaret ESB
January: Cafe Con Leche Sweet Stout
February-March: Patio Tools Dry Irish Stout
April: Vanilla Maduro Brown Ale
May: Hornswoggled Red Ale
June: Horchata Ale
July: Minaret ESB
August: Vanilla Maduro
September: Minaret ESB
October: Good Gourd Imperial Pumpkin Ale
November: Puppy’s Breath Robust Porter
December: Minaret ESB