Under Pressure, Carlsbad Restaurant Owner Changes Business To 83 Degrees
We reported 3 weeks ago that 38 Degree’s Alehouse and Grill was blindsided by the news that a North San Diego County restaurant owner took the name 38 Degrees, and many of it’s likenesses to rebrand his seafood restaurant into 38 Degrees Carlsbad.
After we posted that story, it became viral, and once the craft beer community got behind Clay Harding and his 38 Degrees Ale House and Grill of Alhambra, Mayur Pavagadhi, seemingly changed the name of his new establishment to 83 Degrees Carlsbad.
We were tipped last week, but didn’t have any evidence that the signage had been changed. Furthermore, Mr. Pavagadhi was sent a few cease and desist letters with no response indicating any actions had been taken.
Today, a thread began on BeerAdvocate.com in which a Carlsbad local snapped a picture supporting the notion Mr. Pavagadhi flipped the 3 and the 8 on his sign, to change the name to 83 Degrees Carlsbad.
We reached out to Mr. Pavagadhi to seek clarification, and to make sure this isn’t a hoax. “Yes, I have changed the name to 83 Degrees Carlsbad. The guy in Alhambra has made such a big deal about this, I just don’t want to deal with this any further. We are so far away from each-other, I’m still not understanding what the big deal is. I am going to use this publicity that he has given me, and continue to launch, but as 83 Degrees rather than 38 Degrees. ” My next question was in regards to the website launched February 26th, 38degreescarlsbad.com . “I spent a good deal of time making t-shirts, making signs, menus, etc. I am obviously changing all of that now, the website was put up just as I decided to change the numbers around, so that will be next on my list of things to change.”
We reached out to Clay Harding of 38 Degrees Alhambra, to see if he heard the news and what this means to him. “We have sent two cease and desist letters to Mr. Pavagadhi’s lawyer, and have heard nothing back. Until I have something in writing stating he will not be using the 38 name and colors, this is not settled.”
April 17, 2019 @ 5:00 pm
January 19, 2020 @ 4:32 pm
Mayur and Steve are sketchy restaurant business people. I know Steve physically threatened his employees before and some of them took the case to court. Bottomline, don’t support these people and hope they will close down Paon, and a Barrio and move somewhere else.
February 4, 2014 @ 2:01 pm
Heard about this a while back. From the comments, looks like the 83* owner has no creativity.
March 7, 2013 @ 2:19 pm
Any coupons floating out there for 83 degrees….. I like this name more….it makes it custom made for Carlsbad!
March 7, 2013 @ 11:21 am
These people first named their first restaurant in Carlsbad (now Paon) Per Se, until they got a similar love letter from Thomas Keller in New York about using the name of
his world famous restaurant.
Next, they take the name “Catch” from a seafood restaurant in Santa Monica and place it on their now defunct seafood restaurant in Carlsbad.
You can bet their hopeful use of the name 38 Degrees was of like ingenuity.
March 7, 2013 @ 1:02 am
Went into 83° tonight for there opening and the place on the first night was pretty busy and not to mention, awesome service. 83° is going to do AMAZING! Ohhh, and did I forget to mention great beers and they have a huge selection. Defiantly will be going back. Great job 83°.
March 5, 2013 @ 4:03 pm
he should added celsius to his 38,make it 38c (c for carlsbad) ended all possible further action.since the alhambra does not own Sm to any similar marking.
March 4, 2013 @ 10:50 pm
So awesome!! Proof that you don’t mess with the craft beer community, dude. Hope this place does zero business and closes in a few months, which is highly likely if their beer is near boiling as its new name implies.
March 4, 2013 @ 7:35 pm
Rock on Clay. Glad things worked out for you. Cheers!
March 4, 2013 @ 6:54 pm
Mmmmm … 83 degree beer. What could be yummier! Arf.
March 4, 2013 @ 4:41 pm
Thank you to all our beautiful Craft beer world supporters. You all are amazing and I am very happy this will end peacefully! I’m gonna have a beer now. Hope to take care of you all soon.