Odell Brewing Celebrates Small Batch Beers with 3500 Beer Enthusiasts
On Saturday May 31st, Odell Brewing held its 2nd annual Small Batch Beer Festival. Around 3500 beer enthusiasts came out to enjoy 23 different beers, live music and a great time.
The festival highlighted the passion and innovation of small batch beer recipes designed and brewed on the brewery’s five barrel pilot system. This year’s Small Batch Beer Festival featured a wide variety of beers including some old time favorites like Bobby, Stone Barn, and Colorado Stream Lager and some new favorites like Hop Light, Auto-Pilot, and Viking Malt Liquor.
“I really enjoyed your festival. I thought it was very well organized. Your facility is perfect for this event. I hope you make this a regular thing each year,” said “Chipper” Dave Butler, an Odell Brewing fan and beer blogger www.fermentedlychallenged.com who came out for the event from Greeley.
Odell Brewing once again partnered with local organization ZeroHero to limit the quantity of solid waste generated by the event. Festival goers enjoyed their beer in all compostable corn cups. Over 97% of the total waste was recycled or composted.
Two live bands, beautiful Colorado weather, 23 beers and a community of beer enthusiasts made the 2nd Annual Small Batch Beer festival a huge success. Event organizers are already starting plans for next year’s event which will be held on May 30th, 2009.
Odell Brewing is a proud sponsor of the Cicerone Certification program and an award winning brewery, nationally and internationally: 2008 World Beer Cup® – gold medal for IPA, silver medal for Double Pilsner, silver medal for Cutthroat Porter. 2007 Great American Beer Festival® – gold medal for IPA, silver medal for Easy Street Wheat, bronze medal for Extra Special Red. 2007 Stockholm International Beer Festival – bronze medal for 5 Barrel Pale Ale. 2007 Australian International Beer Awards – silver medal for 90 Shilling, silver medal for Cutthroat Porter, silver medal for Easy Street Wheat and bronze medal for 5 Barrel Pale Ale. 2007 North American Beer Festival – gold medal for Easy Street Wheat, silver medal for IPA, silver medal for Levity
June 17, 2008 @ 5:36 pm
It was certainly a real fun fest. I spoke with Odell’s again this last weekend and they plan on doing it all again next year. Should prove to be even bigger!