Budweiser is Budweiser
There has been clamor all around regarding InBev’s acquisition of Anheuser-Busch. While I respect everyone’s take on the matter, I have a take of my own. Budweiser has its place in Americana. Every liquor store, grocery store (in most cases), gas station, 7-11, ball park, and airport will have Bud on draft. It is a sponsor for so many things, and has its logo plastered everywhere.
So a piece of Americana just got taken away from us. Well Budweiser sucks, and I am glad it has been “taken” from us. It smells bad, it tastes bad, it doesn’t follow a German Lager recipe with the corn and rice it uses, it gets even worse when it warms up, and there are a million better beers that could be put in its place.
While InBev looks to be this global giant, buying up breweries world wide left and right, they have a handful of quality beers in their portfolio I would rather have the option of buying at an airport or ball park. Just to name a few: Bass, Boddingtons, Hoegaarden, Leffe Brown, Lowenbrau, Spaten, St. Pauli Girl, and even Stella.
To be honest, I’d take a well crafted micro brew over any of the beers mentioned, but keep in mind, all of those beers started out as a local favorite. My hope is InBev has the opportunity to put some of their better beers in place of the Bud, and them hopefully it opens up drinkers minds to try local craft brews. After downing tons of Busch in college, I graduated to “imports” such as Harp, Bass, Spaten, etc, then moved into yummy craft brew. I think our country will be just fine.
August 4, 2008 @ 1:56 pm
A guy that is frustrated with the merger. Keep in mind this is all about the money (shareholders) and distribution right throughout the world. To call a beer that is balance in hops and malt you wish you own. Not everybody in the world drinks ales, stouts, porters, and barley wine I could go on. The beer is not that bad knowing it has a great market share for American Lager.
July 28, 2008 @ 7:33 am
Glad to see someone post something that makes some sense.