Grand Teton Brewing – 2009 Cellar Reserve Schedule
“Big Beers in a Big Bottle”
Our 2009 Cellar Reserve Series of hand-crafted, bottle- and keg-conditioned lagers and ales is a celebration of the Reinheitsgebot. Each of this year’s four Cellar Reserves emphasizes one of the four traditional ingredients, and all are brewed in strict adherence to the Reinheitsgebot.
The 1516 Reinheitsgebot or Beer Purity Order of Bavaria was the world’s oldest consumer protection law. It decreed that beer sold in Bavaria could only be brewed with malt, hops and water. Following the work of Louis Pasteur in the 1800s yeast was added as an allowable beer ingredient. Most beers in Germany are still brewed to these strict restrictions.
Over the centuries brewers outside of Germany have made beer with cheaper, non-Reinheitsgebot ingredients, including rice, corn, and corn sugar. Today, with the cost of malt and hops sharply on the rise, brewers everywhere are searching out even less expensive ingredient alternatives. Not here at Grand Teton Brewing Company. We were founded over twenty years ago on the ideal of using traditional methods and ingredients to make wholesome, full-flavored beers.
Like all the great traditional brewing towns, our home, Victor, Idaho, is in or near some of the world’s best barley- and hop-growing regions, and is distinguished by an ample supply of top-quality water. Our water is pure, clean and tastes great. Nestled at the western base of the stunning Teton Mountain Range, our brewery taps into pristine springs fed by centuries-old glacial run-off. Coincidentally, its mineral composition is similar to that of Munich’s water, relatively low in dissolved salts, contributing to the malty softness and delicacy of Bavarian-style lagers.
Help celebrate the Reinheitsgebot. Beers have been brewed for over 8 millennia. The market is currently being flooded with Malt beverages (marketed as beers) made from lesser ingredients. Let’s not have the tradition of Real Beer come to an end on our watch. Know how your beer is made and from where it comes.