Yards Thomas Jefferson Tavern Ale
From Yards Brewing – While Thomas Jefferson spent much of his time in Philadelphia drafting, editing, revising, and re-editing the Declaration of Independence, he longed to be home in Monticello, where twice a year his wife Martha would brew up one of his favorite beverages — beer. Thomas Jefferson Tavern Ale™ is a strong golden ale, based on Jefferson’s original recipe, which included ingredients specified and grown on his Virginia estate.Enjoy a taste of history, courtesy of Yards Brewing Company, Philadelphia’s premier brewer and bottler.
Yards Brewing – Thomas Jefferson Tavern Ale – 12 oz. bottle poured into a pint glass – 8.0% abv. Purchased at Monster Beverage Glassboro, NJ.
Appearance: Pours a cloudy dark amber with a small film of white head.
Aroma: Molasses bread, plum skin and a touch of cinnamon.
Taste: Molasses bread and a modest Euro hop bite.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied with prickly carbonation.
Overall: I really enjoyed this. My imagination takes me for quite a ride. I imagined myself pulling up to a dark tavern in Philly and drinking an ice cold mug of this stuff. Doesn’t sound bad does it.