Weyerbacher AutumnFest
Weyerbacher Brewing Co. AutumnFest
Between 5.4% and 6%
Poured from a 12 ounce bottle into a chilled pint glass.
Copper color with shades of light amber. The color and the artwork on the label remind me of falling leaves, cool breezes and the sweet smells of the fall harvest.
Very malty and sweet caramel smells. Being made with authentic Bavarian hops makes this beer stand out from many of the other American Octoberfest styles. A real treat.
A mixture of sweet fruit tastes and toasted wood at first sip. This then progresses into a remarkable smoothness and finishes a bit on a sweet and clean note.
Relatively thin-bodied for a fall style beer but not quite like a summer brew. There is enough substance and head from the carbonation to really get your mouth involved.
Of the recent Octoberfest/Fall style beers I have sampled, Weyerbacher is right up there with the best. I am pleased with the easy drinkability as well as the abundance of character this beer imparts. It has quickly become one of my staple football drinking beers for Sept/Oct.