Valley Brew Uberhoppy
From Valley Brewing – A massively hopped Imperial IPA brewed to celebrate Valley Brews 10th anniversary. 1 pound of hops were added every 10 minutes during a 100 minute boil, a total of 10 different boiling hops. 4 different fresh hops were used in the hopback and then the beer was passed through a chamber containing 10 lbs of fresh hops on the way from the serving tanks to the bar taps. Hopperiffic. Approx. 10.5% ABV
Valley Brewing – Valley Brew Uberhoppy – 22 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 10.5% abv. (Note – This bottle was 2 months old, and the brewer told me it would be even better fresher than that)
Appearance: Pours a bright copper with a retaining cap of beige head.
Aroma: Perfume, flowers, cat pee (Simcoe?) and citrus.
Taste: Citrusy and floral hops backed by spicy malt.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, surprisingly so, very crisp.
Overall: Damn good, solid, balanced, and of course, very hoppy.