Unibroue Raftman
From Unibroue – Unibroue introduced Raftman to the Québec market in March 1995. This coral-hued beer has a unique taste that combines the smooth character of smoked malt whisky with the flavors of fine yeast.
Unibroue – Unibroue Raftman – 12 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 5.5% abv. Purchased at Trader Joes Monrovia, CA.
Appearance: Pours a vibrant dark amber with a small white film of head atop.
Aroma: Pear, light guava, caramel.
Taste: Toast, light fruit and spicy bitterness. Bread crusty linger.
Mouthfeel: Very carbonated, thin.
Overall: Not smokey in the least bit. Rather boring.