Uinta Crooked Line Cockeyed Cooper
From Uinta – Launch into the exquisite flavors of bourbon with splashes of vanilla. Watch for currents of dark chocolate and dried fruit. Generous amounts of hops and malts make for a smooth journey from start to finish. Decadent desserts and aged cheeses make superb companions.
Uinta Brewing – Uinta Crooked Line Cockeyed Cooper – 750 ml. bottle poured into a goblet. 11.1% abv.
Appearance: Pours a ruby hued brown with a small gathering of tight white bubbles.
Aroma: Sweetness, wood, alcohol and apple crisp.
Taste: Wood tannins, caramelized sugar, dark chocolate, dark fruit and bitter hops.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, average carbonation.
Overall: A fairly decent barleywine. I’m going to lay one down to see where this goes.