Tröegs Sunshine Pils
From Tröegs – Hop fans rejoice! Sunshine Pils combines the crisp taste of European style pilsners with a kicked-up hop character to create a balanced, refreshing seasonal beer. Golden in color with a fluffy white head, Sunshine Pils is the perfect beer for Summer.
Tröegs Brewing – Tröegs Sunshine Pils – 12 oz. bottle poured into a pint glass. 5.3% abv. Purchased at Monster Beverage in Glassboro, NJ.
Appearance: Pours a clear yellow gold with no head.
Aroma: Euro hops and dry biscuity malt.
Taste: Bitter hops and grainy husky dry malt and a clean yeast profile.
Mouthfeel: Crisp and fizzy.
Overall: The best pilsner I have ever had.