Three Floyds Brandy Barrel Aged Dark Lord Russian Imperial Stout
Dark Lord Russian Imperial Stout Aged in Brandy Barrels – Bottled for Dark Lord Day 2011 and Enjoyed at
Pizza Port Strong Ale Fest 2011 Jake and Jer’s Tasting
Three Floyds Brewing – Three Floyds Brandy Barrel Aged Dark Lord – 22 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 15% abv.
Appearance: Pours dark brown with susdy brown ring of bubbles.
Aroma: Brandy, caramel, smoke, chocolate.
Taste: Coffee, chocolate, sugar, brandy, wood, black pepper. A boozy/coffee finish.
Mouthfeel: Thick but less thick than original Dark Lord, with and with less carbonation.
Overall: I like this, but I like the Brandy + Vanilla Bean variant a bit better.
November 30, 2012 @ 10:18 am
Hi There,
I was at last year’s Strong Ales Festival, and i’m almost certain (95%) that the beer they were pouring WAS that Brandy Vanilla Dark Lord
Hoping they have something as delicious this year!!!