Thirsty Dog Cerberus 10
From Thirsty Dog Brewing – This beer is made with one grain and 4 Belgian yeasts, a deceptive golden color, and a malty palate lend complexity to this Belgian Trippel Ale.
Thirsty Dog Brewing – Cerberus 10 – 12 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 10% abv. From trade on
Appearance: Pours a dark amber orange with an off-white pin stripe of head.
Aroma: Tropical fruity yeast, clove, rubber and coriander.
Taste: Tangy citrus, spicy fruity Belgian yeast and spicy bitter hops.
Mouthfeel: Thick and fizzy.
Overall: A great attempt at a Belgian Tripel. Did not knock my socks off, but a well crafted beer none the less.