The Duck-Rabbit Wee Heavy Scotch Style Ale
From Dan – I’m not sure whether it’s their name, or their logo, or their fine beers, but I am always looking to try a new Duck-Rabbit beer. I couldn’t find much info on their website about this Wee Heavy Scotch Ale. None the less, I am glad I came across this beer, as I can tell you every single beer I have tried from these guys have been great.
The Duck-Rabbit Craft Brewery – Wee Heavy Scotch Style Ale – 12 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 8% abv. From online trade.
Appearance: Pours a dark reddish brown with no head.
Aroma: Dark fruit, dried dark fruit, granola bar, brown sugar and burnt sugar.
Taste: Booze soaked cake, dried dark fruit, cocoa, finishes with a bitter twang.
Mouthfeel: Sticky.
Overall: Heavenly. I’m not sure the age of this bottle, but I flipped out at how great it was. Had some cellared notes to it, so I’d guess 2 years was on this bottle.
May 11, 2010 @ 9:55 am
As a North Carolinian, I’m happy to have access to most Duck Rabbit beers. I have not, however, had this one. I’ll definitely pick it up if I see it; it sounds great.