The Bruery ISO:FT
From The Bruery – You didn’t think The Bruery and Cigar City could get together and not make a special version of their already special beer, did you? This extremely limited version of Marrón Acidifié was fermented with Florida and California fruits, pink guava and dates, added to the barrels. It will only be offered to our Reserve Society members as there simply isn’t much to go around, which is unfortunate, because it’s a beer that deserves a wider release. Consider it a tribute to those who like to search for and trade!
The Bruery in Collaboration with Cigar City Brewing – The Bruery ISO:FT – 750 ml. bottle poured into a goblet. 9% abv.
Appearance: Pours a translucent dark red with no head to speak of.
Aroma: Tart cherry, alcohol, red wine vinegar-like sourness and woody wine barrel.
Taste: Oak tannins, sour red fruits, some breadiness, tart cherry.
Mouthfeel: Astringent, medium bodied, with modest carbonation.
Overall: As tasty as all of The Bruery’s dark red sours (Oude Tart,Wanderer,Marron Acidifie,Carmen). I actually like Marron more, and that was easy to get and stock up on.