Terrapin Tree Hugger
From Terrapin Beer Co. – Terrapin’s Tree Hugger is an altbier using organic ingredients and is a fantastic version of the traditional style. Terrapin has been a supporter of the Dogwood Alliance’s Green Fest for 7 Years, and this year we are excited to contribute a unique beer to event!
Terrapin Beer Co. – Terrapin Tree Hugger – 12 oz. bottle poured into a pint glass. 4.9% abv.
Appearance: Pours a dark amber with a frothy white head that leaves behind sticky foam.
Aroma: Nice little dank hop nose and sweet brown sugar like malt.
Taste: Toasty brown malt, bread crust, minerals, mild level of Cascade like hops, providing some pine and fruitiness.
Mouthfeel: Full bodied, creamy carbonation.
Overall: Pretty tasty, I’d consider it a well hopped Amber Ale. Very impressed at the body and character at 4.9% abv.