TBK Production Works Old 21 Imperial IPA
From The Brew Kettle Production Works – A Big, Bold, imperial IPA! The clean malt plays a supporting role to the straight up Simcoe hops through and through that give this varietal hop bomb its bang.
The Brew Kettle Production Works – TBK Production Works Old 21 Imperial IPA – 22 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 9.0% abv.
Appearance: Pours a slightly hazy amber with a big sudsy white head that retains as a denser creamy 1 finger of head for the duration of the session. Leaves behind a great deal of lacing.
Aroma: Big danky simcoe and caramel like malt. Smells like sweet cereal.
Taste: Grassy hops, huge level of sweet malt, saved by a sturdy level of earthy hop bitterness that lingers well past the sweetness.
Mouthfeel: Full bodied with modest prickly carbonation.
Overall: Very drinkable, a bit on the sweet side for my palate, but still very solid.