Sweetwater Road Trip
From SweetWater Brewing – Produced from Pilsner and Vienna Malt, this brew rings in at 5.2% alcohol by volume (ABV). Road Trip is brewed with Cascade, Sterling and US Golding hops yielding hints of citrus and herbal hoppy notes. Unique for most pilsners, Road Trip is actually fermented at warmer ale temperatures giving this craft beer fuller flavor capped with an intense spicy hop finish.
SweetWater Brewing – SweetWater Road Trip – 12 oz. bottle poured into a pint glass. 5.3% abv.
Appearance: Pours a fairly clear yellow with a dense white cap of head.
Aroma: Sweet and husky grain, bready, grassy hops.
Taste: Pale biscuity malt, spicy fruity yeast, spicy Euro hops.
Mouthfeel: Crisp, moderate carbonation.
Overall: I didn’t dig this too much.I’d like to see them nail this with a traditional lager fermentation. Probably decent ice cold during a picnic.