SweetWater Dank Tank Ghoulash
From SweetWater – Always resourceful, Dr. Dank remembered his great, great, bouffalata, granny goose’s Ghoulash recipe. Try as he might, he couldn’t get it right, so he dumped everything he could find from the fridge and cupboard into one giant boiling brew, resulting in this stew of 2-row, black wheat, munich malt and a 14-hop variety asplifidation of Willamette, Galena, Mt. Hood, Nugget, Perle, Aroma, Bobek, Aurora, Styrian, Golding, Magnum, Columbus, Summit, Millennium, and Crystal.
SweetWater Brewing – SweetWater Dank Tank Ghoulash – 22 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 8.5% abv.
Appearance: Pours a viscous black with a creamy tan head.
Aroma: Heavy roast, fresh hops: juicy American and some spicy Euro.
Taste: Juicy hops, pine, roast and chocolate malt. Finishes like a bitter IPA. Dry.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, juicy rough carbonation.
Overall: What I appreciate the most about this beer is the warning. It is a ghoulash of sorts. You get some danky IPA notes, then you get some roasty character. I also really pick up some aromatic European hops outside of the dank. Usually when a brewery does the 15 hops 15 malts bit, you really have to trust them. It’s really pretty good, but I would drink it as fresh as possible, otherwise you will be stuck with a porter.
Patrick E.
October 20, 2011 @ 9:29 pm
Am I mistaken, or does that skeleton have a boner? (See what I did there? I’m so funny)