Sun King Isis Imperial IPA
From Sun King – Continuing the Sun King Brewing tradition of celebrating palindromic batches with specialty beers (ex. Batch 111: Golden Slumber, Colt 444, etc.), head brewer Dave Colt devoted Batch 555 to crafting an Imperial IPA based on the malt bill and hop profile of Osiris Pale Ale and dubbed it Isis.
Sun King Brewery – Sun King Isis Imperial IPA – 16 oz. can poured into a goblet.
Appearance: Pours a dark orange with a thin dense white head.
Aroma: Brown sugary malt, candied orange, pine needles.
Taste: Spicy and sweet malt, citrusy and earthy hops. Finishes earthy and bitter.
Mouthfeel: Rough texture, medium bodied.
Overall: A very malt forward Imperial IPA. Wasn’t my favorite from Sun King, but still solid.
June 6, 2012 @ 10:17 am
what kind of yeast used?