Stone 03.03.03 Vertical Epic Ale
From Stone – With Vertical Epic 03/03/03, we used some pretty interesting ingredients…coriander (a “Belgian-style” beer favorite!), alligator pepper (wow, bite into these little gems and you get a bigtime spicy rush of flavor), and a bit of both unmalted wheat and dark roasted wheat. And a blend of Belgian yeast and American ale yeast. And a nice selection of high alpha hops (a decidedly non-Belgian style twist). All told it makes for a dubble-ish taken-to-San-Diego-pushed-to-the-edge-and-slapped-around-a-bit beer. So, treat it gently. It’s been abused enough already. Store it upright, cool and in the dark. It would enjoy a nice long rest. It will have plenty of patience.
Stone Brewing – Stone 03.03.03 Vertical Epic Ale – 22 oz. bottle shared in 02/2010, poured into a goblet. 9% abv.
Appearance: Pours like murky, unfiltered apple cider with a micro pin stripe of head.
Aroma: Light chocolate, raisin, booze and coconut.
Taste: Leather, wood, burnt sugar and dark fruit.
Mouthfeel: Medium with no carbonation.
Overall: Hey, I have no idea what that tasted like fresh, but I enjoyed it in 2010.