Southern Tier Pumking Imperial Pumpkin Ale
Don reviewed this a month or so ago, and it is one of our most visited reviews. I had to try this beer, so I had my dad from NJ get me some.
Southern Tier Pumking Imperial Pumpkin Ale – 22 oz. bottle into a pint glass . 9% abv. Purchased at Monster Beverage in Glassboro, NJ.
Appearance: Pours an amber orange with no head. Plenty of lights get through this one.
Aroma: Pumpkin pie filling: sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and pumpkin meat.
Taste: Pumpkin, cinnamon, nutmeg, brown sugar, and spicy hops.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied and a little sticky.
Overall: This is the king of pumpkin beer to be sure.
October 10, 2009 @ 7:04 pm
Yep yep.