Southampton Abbot 12
From Southampton – A strong, dark ale with notes of raisins, figs, and caramel, and a pronounced “dark rum” character. Deceptively smooth at 10.5% alcohol, this strong ale is ideal as an after-dinner sipping brew.
Southampton Publick House – Southampton Abbot 12 – 750 ml. bottle poured into a goblet. 10.5% abv. From online trade.
Appearance: Pours a reddish dark brown with a white fluffy head that subsides to an 1/8 inch film.
Aroma: Yogurt covered dark fruit and Belgian yeast.
Taste: Burnt sugar, pecan, spicy hops, dark bread. Finishes semi-sweet.
Mouthfeel: Thick with high carbonation.
Overall: A very well done Belgian-style Quad, not anything like Westy or St. Bernardus Abt 12 or Rochefort 12.