Smuttynose Robust Porter
From Smuttynose – This hearty, mahogany colored ale is brewed to evoke the dark, full-bodied ales that were a favorite of dockworkers and warehousemen (hence the name “Porter”) in 19th century London. It is a good bet that when Dickens’ Mr. Pickwick sat down for a pint, we would have been drinking an ale much like our Robust Porter.This is a smooth and very drinkable beer, characterized by its well-balanced malt and hops, plus subtle notes of coffee and chocolate.
Smuttynose Brewing – Smuttynose Robust Porter – 12 oz. bottle poured into a pint glass. 5.7% abv.
Appearance: Pours a dark brown with a frothy creamy tan head. Leaves behind spotty lacing.
Aroma: Roast, herbal hops, coffee.
Taste: Dry ,roasted malt,spicy hops, mineral supplements, black coffee, ash. Finishes bitter and spicy.
Mouthfeel: Slightly foamy, full bodied.
Overall: Flavorful full bodied dry porter.