Smuttynose Gravitation
From SmuttyNose – This big, dark ale is brewed using a variety of Belgian specialty malts along with 200 pounds of raisin puree per batch. The resulting flavor is a viscous mix of dark fruit, rum, toffee and raisins balanced with aromatic fruitiness of the Belgian yeast. This beer has a starting gravity of 23 degrees Plato.
Smuttynose Brewing – SmuttyNose Gravitation – 22 oz. bottled poured into a goblet. 12% abv. From online trade.
Appearance: Pours a dark red with a pin stripe of fiz.
Aroma: Burnt sugar, dark fruit and spices.
Taste: Big brown sugar, light dark fruit, candi sugar and a little bit of bitterness in the finish.
Mouthfeel: Sticky with medium carbonation.
Overall: Very good, a bit sweet, but pretty spot on for what I expected it to be.