SKA True Blonde Ale
From SKA Brewing – A crisp Blonde Ale. Golden in color, medium in body—she’s brewed with the help and the honey of Durango ’s Honeyville bees.
SKA Brewing – True Blonde Ale – 12 oz. bottle poured into a pint glass. 5.3% abv. Purchased at Total Wine in Phoenix, AZ
Appearance: Pours a clear, yellow gold with a 1/4 inch of dense foam.
Aroma: Corn, husky grain, buscuity malt, and a touch of Euro hops.
Taste: Spicy bitter hops, buscuit, finishing with a sour twang.
Mouthfeel: Slightly thicker than water, but not much.
Overall: A very light, crisp ale. Non offensive, didn’t hate it, but not much more than a PBR in a fancy bottle.
December 7, 2012 @ 7:07 am
this beats the malt liqour me and some of my punk friends drink. PBR isn’t as drinkable as this. but hey…lets just get drunk…oi oi!
July 13, 2010 @ 4:54 pm
“PBR in a fancy bottle,” ouch!
Not going to the mat for this beer but i find it quite drinkable. hopppy without being about the hops, clean drinking yard beer that’s semi sessional.