Short’s The Wizard
From Short’s – The Wizard – Barley Wine Ale with Raisins (Brewed on Devil’s Night and boiled for six hours and 66 minutes)
Short’s Brewing – Short’s The Wizard – 12 oz. bottle poured into a goblet. 11% abv.
Appearance: Pours a coca cola brown with no head. Leaves sparse spotty lacing.
Aroma: Alcohol and dark fruit, a little bit of potpourri or flowers. Caramelized, almost burnt raisins.
Taste: Burnt sugar, burnt raisin, rum raisin ice cream, alcohol (dark rum or whiskey). Not terribly hoppy, or the hop profile is well masked.
Mouthfeel: Warm, low but noticeable carbonation. Medium bodied.
Overall: Hot, boozy, original. Got better as it warmed up in temperature.