Shmaltz Coney Island Freaktoberfest
Review – Shmaltz Coney Island Freaktoberfest
6.66% abv
Shmaltz: A tasty treat for Octoberfest through Halloween, Coney Island Freaktoberfest® is artfully crafted to lure the spirit’s deepest rapture, conjured to exorcise the grim horrors of the armies of soulless Lagers everywhere.
Poured from a 22 ounce bottle into a chilled pint glass.
Red cherry Kool Aid color with rich, creamy light pink foam sitting an inch and a half on top.
Smells very malty but with a distinct hop profile. Whiffs of the wheat malts are also noticeable and are a welcome treat.
This beer, though unusual, packs a huge hop flavor and is made with 5 super-strong hop varieties. Hop heads, welcome to paradise. Also some traces of fruit characteristics.
A bit on the thicker side and lacking good carbonation. I was surprised with how much head it produced when poured that it was so smooth and flat when drinking.
This is an odd-ball beer, not only in color but also in taste. It makes me wonder what the brewer was smoking when he/she came up with this style but I like it nonetheless.
November 4, 2008 @ 2:50 pm
Hey there. This is Zak from Shmaltz Brewing Company. Thanks so much for the Freaktoberfest love. Glad you enjoyed it. It’s a pretty freaky beer in every respect, color, flavor, everything. Hope you had a good Halloween.