Rogue Voodoo Doughnut Chocolate Peanut Butter and Banana Ale
From Rogue Ales -A Collision of Crazies Rogue Ales has again collided with Voodoo Doughnut to create Chocolate, Banana & Peanut Butter Ale! This unique artisan creation contains a baker’s dozen ingredients including chocolate, banana and peanut butter to match Voodoo’s “Memphis Mafia” doughnut- a nod to Elvis’ entourage.
Appearance: Pours dark brown with a tan film a top.
Aroma: Coffee cake, glazed donut, diner (warm coffee, toast,vinyl.) At this point I’m smiling.
Taste: Wood/ash tray, banana. Some toasty and roast malts.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied, average carbonation.
Overall: The aroma pulled me in and the flavor took me out of it. These kind of beers can be fun, but are hard to execute usually. Fun to try for sure.
January 2, 2013 @ 2:39 pm
I agree with your final assessment. I had the first one of these (maple bacon doughnut). The idea was worthy, but the execution was terrible. It was one of only two beers I’ve ever poured out. I wouldn’t have even cursed my enemy with the rest of the bottle.