Review – Twin Lakes Route 52 Pilsner
Twin Lakes Route 52 Pilsner
4.9% abv
Poured from a half-gallon glass growler into a chilled pint glass.
This beer is a pale yellow with a slight cloudy haze because of being unfiltered. On top sat about an inch of big bubbly head, which provided good lacing.
Alcohol and malt smells with a noticeable hop fragrance. Slight hints of flower notes were also present.
Clean and crisp with a sweet beginning and bitter ending. The taste is very peculiar in a good way and I think it has to do with the fact that Twin Lakes uses deep rock well water from their farm for all of their beers.
Good carbonation (even from the growler) left my mouth feeling a little tingly.
This clean pale lager was very easy to drink and quite enjoyable. The subtle tang was just enough tartness to be unique yet still drinkable. I really enjoyed the fact that this beer is a great thirst quencher and is great for sunny and warm afternoons. encourages you to write about your favorite beer. Submit your review to us by email, MySpace, or The Full Pint Dot Com Forum.