Review – Stone IPA
From Stone Brewing Co. – The History of India Pale Ales: Originally developed in the late 1700’s, British breweries would send beer via sail to the troops and British expatriots in India. Problem was, there was no refrigeration and the ocean voyage took nearly five months. As a result, the beer would usually arrive in compromised condition. Well, the brewers of the time didn’t know as much about beer as we do today, but they did know that both hops (where we get the bitterness in beer) and alcohol act as natural preservatives. So, they came up with a brew that was intensely hopped and rather high in alcohol — thus the birth of the “India Pale Ale.” You’ll find our Stone India Pale Ale to be true to style with a huge hop aroma, flavor and bitterness throughout. If you’re a hop-head like us, then you’ll love our Stone India Pale Ale!
Stone Brewing Co. – Stone IPA – 12 oz. bottle poured into a pint glass. 6.9% abv. Purchased at Whole Foods Market, Arroyo Pasadena, CA.
Appearance: Pours a clear gold with a dense, foamy white head.
Aroma: Piny and grassy hops in the nose.
Taste: Citrus flavors such as lemon and lime, tons of bitter and spicy hops. A very modest malt bill can be found if you look hard enough.
Mouthfeel: Crisp and refreshing. Full bodied and carbonated.
Overall: This IPA will knock your socks off with bitterness. The Ruination has more floral and fruit notes mixed in with the wheelbarrow of hops. This IPA is crisp, dry and really hoppy. You should like both, but you might like one over the other for the differences mentioned.