Review – Steamworks Third Eye Pale Ale
From Steamworks Brewing Co.: Third Eye Pale Eye is one of our most heavily hopped beers, with a nice, light copper color. In the spirit of the super-hoppy English ales that originated in the early 1800’s, its larger grain bill produces plenty of residual sweetness.
Steamworks Brewing – Steamworks Third Eye Pale Ale – 12 oz. poured into a beer glass. 6.4% abv. Reviewed by Nathan from Philly.
Appearance: Golden orange with a thick, creamy head
Smell: Citrus notes of orange zest with a hint of hops.
Taste: The initial strong, sweet taste of oranges gives way to a strong, hoppy aftertaste.
Mouthfeel: Surprisingly light bodied for an IPA with a dry finish.
Drinkability: An alarmingly sweet, easy-drinking IPA that’s reminiscent of more Belgian-style ales.
September 27, 2009 @ 3:20 pm
Hi. I work at a restauraunt that serves your beer and a co-worker and I were wondering how the beer came to get its name. If there is a story or something. Thanks for your time.